Dragon Warrior Monsters 2 Modding Wiki
Forums: Index > Game Mods > DWM2: Ultimate

DWM2: Ultimate is a hack for those that grew up with the game and still play it from time to time. If you have a tendency to over-achieve and over-grind in DQ games, this hack is intended for you.

The creators were a little too proud of the random key feature which allowed them to make most creatures in the game available. Hours could be spent trying to find a rare key with the monsters you want. Because of this the selection of monsters in the main story is fairly disappointing.  I have made changes to greatly increase the variety of monsters availble throughout the story. Nearly all monsters are available. The stats of all story monsters have been manually edited to create a much more challenging experience. 

Those with a completed DWM2 save will also find challenges and training grounds appropriate for maxing out your monsters.
